Source code for array_split.split

The :mod:`array_split.split` Module

.. currentmodule:: array_split.split

Defines array splitting functions and classes.

Classes and Functions

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

   shape_factors - Compute *largest* factors of a given integer.
   calculate_num_slices_per_axis - Computes per-axis divisions for a multi-dimensional shape.
   calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes - Calculate a tile shape subject to max bytes restriction.
   ShapeSplitter - Splits a given shape into slices.
   shape_split - Splits a specified shape and returns :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`slice` elements.
   array_split - Equivalent to :func:`numpy.array_split`.


.. autodata:: ARRAY_BOUNDS
.. autodata:: NO_BOUNDS

from __future__ import absolute_import
from .license import license as _license, copyright as _copyright

import array_split as _array_split
import array_split.logging as _logging
import numpy as _np

__author__ = "Shane J. Latham"
__license__ = _license()
__copyright__ = _copyright()
__version__ = _array_split.__version__

def is_scalar(obj):
    Returns :samp:`True` if argument :samp:`{obj}` is
    a numeric type.
    return hasattr(obj, "__int__") or hasattr(obj, "__long__")

def is_sequence(obj):
    Returns :samp:`True` if argument :samp:`{obj}` is
    a sequence (e.g. a :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`, etc).
    return hasattr(obj, "__len__") or hasattr(obj, "__getitem__")

def is_indices(indices_or_sections):
    Returns :samp:`True` if argument :samp:`{indices_or_sections}` is
    a sequence (e.g. a :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple`, etc).
    return is_sequence(indices_or_sections)

def pad_with_object(sequence, new_length, obj=None):
    Returns :samp:`sequence` :obj:`list` end-padded with :samp:`{obj}`
    elements so that the length of the returned list equals :samp:`{new_length}`.

    if len(sequence) < new_length:
        sequence = \
            list(sequence) + [obj, ] * (new_length - len(sequence))
    elif len(sequence) > new_length:
        raise ValueError(
            "Got len(sequence)=%s which exceeds new_length=%s"
            (len(sequence), new_length)

    return sequence

def pad_with_none(sequence, new_length):
    Returns :samp:`sequence` :obj:`list` end-padded with :samp:`None`
    elements so that the length of the returned list equals :samp:`{new_length}`.

    return pad_with_object(sequence, new_length, obj=None)

[docs]def shape_factors(n, dim=2): """ Returns a :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of factors :samp:`f` such that :samp:`(len(f) == {dim}) and (numpy.product(f) == {n})`. The returned factors are as *square* (*cubic*, etc) as possible. For example:: >>> shape_factors(24, 1) array([24]) >>> shape_factors(24, 2) array([4, 6]) >>> shape_factors(24, 3) array([2, 3, 4]) >>> shape_factors(24, 4) array([2, 2, 2, 3]) >>> shape_factors(24, 5) array([1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) >>> shape_factors(24, 6) array([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) :type n: :obj:`int` :param n: Integer which is factored into :samp:`{dim}` factors. :type dim: :obj:`int` :param dim: Number of factors. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :samp:`({dim},)` shaped array of integers which are factors of :samp:`{n}`. """ if dim <= 1: factors = [n, ] else: for f in range(int(n**(1.0 / float(dim))) + 1, 0, -1): if ((n % f) == 0): factors = [f, ] + list(shape_factors(n // f, dim=dim - 1)) break factors.sort() return _np.array(factors)
[docs]def calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes( array_shape, array_itemsize, max_tile_bytes, max_tile_shape=None, sub_tile_shape=None, halo=None ): """ Returns a tile shape :samp:`tile_shape` such that :samp:`numpy.product(tile_shape)*numpy.sum({array_itemsize}) <= {max_tile_bytes}`. Also, if :samp:`{max_tile_shape} is not None` then :samp:`numpy.all(tile_shape <= {max_tile_shape}) is True` and if :samp:`{sub_tile_shape} is not None` the :samp:`numpy.all((tile_shape % {sub_tile_shape}) == 0) is True`. :type array_shape: sequence of :obj:`int` :param array_shape: Shape of the array which is to be split into tiles. :type array_itemsize: :obj:`int` :param array_itemsize: The number of bytes per element of the array to be tiled. :type max_tile_bytes: :obj:`int` :param max_tile_bytes: The maximum number of bytes for the returned :samp:`tile_shape`. :type max_tile_shape: sequence of :obj:`int` :param max_tile_shape: Per axis maximum shapes for the returned :samp:`tile_shape`. :type sub_tile_shape: sequence of :obj:`int` :param sub_tile_shape: The returned :samp:`tile_shape` will be an even multiple of this sub-tile shape. :type halo: :obj:`int`, sequence of :obj:`int`, or :samp:`(len({array_shape}), 2)` shaped :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :param halo: How tiles are extended in each axis direction with *halo* elements. See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` for meaning of :samp:`{halo}` values. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A 1D array of shape :samp:`(len(array_shape),)` indicating a *tile shape* which will (approximately) uniformly divide the given :samp:`{array_shape}` into tiles (sub-arrays). Examples:: >>> from array_split.split import calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes >>> calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes( ... array_shape=[512,], ... array_itemsize=1, ... max_tile_bytes=512 ... ) array([512]) >>> calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes( ... array_shape=[512,], ... array_itemsize=2, # Doubling the itemsize halves the tile size. ... max_tile_bytes=512 ... ) array([256]) >>> calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes( ... array_shape=[512,], ... array_itemsize=1, ... max_tile_bytes=512-1 # tile shape will now be halved ... ) array([256]) """ logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes") logger.debug("calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes: enter:") logger.debug("array_shape=%s", array_shape) logger.debug("array_itemsize=%s", array_itemsize) logger.debug("max_tile_bytes=%s", max_tile_bytes) logger.debug("max_tile_shape=%s", max_tile_shape) logger.debug("sub_tile_shape=%s", sub_tile_shape) logger.debug("halo=%s", halo) array_shape = _np.array(array_shape, dtype="int64") array_itemsize = _np.sum(array_itemsize, dtype="int64") if max_tile_shape is None: max_tile_shape = _np.array(array_shape, copy=True) max_tile_shape = \ _np.array(_np.minimum(max_tile_shape, array_shape), copy=True, dtype=array_shape.dtype) if sub_tile_shape is None: sub_tile_shape = _np.ones((len(array_shape),), dtype="int64") sub_tile_shape = _np.array(sub_tile_shape, dtype="int64") if halo is None: halo = _np.zeros((len(array_shape), 2), dtype="int64") elif is_scalar(halo): halo = _np.zeros((len(array_shape), 2), dtype="int64") + halo else: halo = _np.array(halo, copy=True) if len(halo.shape) == 1: halo = _np.array([halo, halo]).T.copy() if halo.shape[0] != len(array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got halo.shape=%s, expecting halo.shape=(%s, 2)" % (halo.shape, array_shape.shape[0]) ) if _np.any(array_shape < sub_tile_shape): raise ValueError( "Got array_shape=%s element less than corresponding sub_tile_shape=%s element." % ( array_shape, sub_tile_shape ) ) logger.debug("max_tile_shape=%s", max_tile_shape) logger.debug("sub_tile_shape=%s", sub_tile_shape) logger.debug("halo=%s", halo) array_sub_tile_split_shape = ((array_shape - 1) // sub_tile_shape) + 1 tile_sub_tile_split_shape = array_shape // sub_tile_shape if len(tile_sub_tile_split_shape) <= 1: tile_sub_tile_split_shape[0] = \ int(_np.floor( ( (max_tile_bytes / float(array_itemsize)) - _np.sum(halo) ) / float(sub_tile_shape[0]) )) tile_sub_tile_split_shape = \ _np.minimum( tile_sub_tile_split_shape, max_tile_shape // sub_tile_shape ) logger.debug("tile_sub_tile_split_shape=%s", tile_sub_tile_split_shape) current_axis = 0 while ( (current_axis < len(tile_sub_tile_split_shape.shape)) and ( ( _np.product(tile_sub_tile_split_shape * sub_tile_shape + _np.sum(halo, axis=1)) * array_itemsize ) > max_tile_bytes ) ): if current_axis < (len(tile_sub_tile_split_shape) - 1): tile_sub_tile_split_shape[current_axis] = 1 tile_sub_tile_split_shape[current_axis] = \ ( max_tile_bytes // ( _np.product( tile_sub_tile_split_shape * sub_tile_shape + _np.sum( halo, axis=1)) * array_itemsize ) ) if tile_sub_tile_split_shape[current_axis] <= 0: tile_sub_tile_split_shape[current_axis] = 1 current_axis += 1 else: sub_tile_shape_h = sub_tile_shape.copy() sub_tile_shape_h[0:current_axis] += _np.sum(halo[0:current_axis, :], axis=1) tile_sub_tile_split_shape[current_axis] = \ int(_np.floor( ( (max_tile_bytes / float(array_itemsize)) - _np.sum(halo[current_axis]) * _np.product(sub_tile_shape_h[0:current_axis]) ) / float(_np.product(sub_tile_shape_h)) )) logger.debug("tile_sub_tile_split_shape=%s", tile_sub_tile_split_shape) tile_shape = _np.minimum(array_shape, tile_sub_tile_split_shape * sub_tile_shape) logger.debug("pre cannonicalise tile_shape=%s", tile_shape) tile_split_shape = ((array_shape - 1) // tile_shape) + 1 logger.debug("tile_split_shape=%s", tile_split_shape) tile_shape = (((array_sub_tile_split_shape - 1) // tile_split_shape) + 1) * sub_tile_shape logger.debug("post cannonicalise tile_shape=%s", tile_shape) return tile_shape
[docs]def calculate_num_slices_per_axis(num_slices_per_axis, num_slices, max_slices_per_axis=None): """ Returns a :obj:`numpy.ndarray` (:samp:`return_array` say) where non-positive elements of the :samp:`{num_slices_per_axis}` sequence have been replaced with positive integer values such that :samp:`numpy.product(return_array) == num_slices` and:: numpy.all( return_array[numpy.where(num_slices_per_axis <= 0)] <= max_slices_per_axis[numpy.where(num_slices_per_axis <= 0)] ) is True :type num_slices_per_axis: sequence of :obj:`int` :param num_slices_per_axis: Constraint for per-axis sub-divisions. Non-positive elements indicate values to be replaced in the returned array. Positive values are identical to the corresponding element in the returned array. :type num_slices: integer :param num_slices: Indicates the number of slices (rectangular sub-arrays) formed by performing sub-divisions per axis. The returned array :samp:`return_array` has elements assigned such that :samp:`numpy.product(return_array) == {num_slices}`. :type max_slices_per_axis: sequence of :obj:`int` (or :samp:`None`) :param max_slices_per_axis: Constraint specifying maximum number of per-axis sub-divisions. If :samp:`None` defaults to :samp:`numpy.array([numpy.inf,]*len({num_slices_per_axis}))`. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: An array :samp:`return_array` such that :samp:`numpy.product(return_array) == num_slices`. Examples:: >>> from array_split.split import calculate_num_slices_per_axis >>> >>> calculate_num_slices_per_axis([0, 0, 0], 16) array([4, 2, 2]) >>> calculate_num_slices_per_axis([1, 0, 0], 16) array([1, 4, 4]) >>> calculate_num_slices_per_axis([1, 0, 0], 16, [2, 2, 16]) array([1, 2, 8]) """ logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__) ret_array = _np.array(num_slices_per_axis, copy=True) if max_slices_per_axis is None: max_slices_per_axis = _np.array([_np.inf, ] * len(num_slices_per_axis)) max_slices_per_axis = _np.array(max_slices_per_axis) if _np.any(max_slices_per_axis <= 0): raise ValueError("Got non-positive value in max_slices_per_axis=%s" % max_slices_per_axis) while _np.any(ret_array <= 0): prd = _np.product(ret_array[_np.where(ret_array > 0)]) # returns 1 for zero-length array if (num_slices < prd) or ((num_slices % prd) > 0): raise ValueError( ( "Unable to construct grid of num_slices=%s elements from " + "num_slices_per_axis=%s (with max_slices_per_axis=%s)" ) % (num_slices, num_slices_per_axis, max_slices_per_axis) ) ridx = _np.where(ret_array <= 0) f = shape_factors(num_slices // prd, ridx[0].shape[0])[::-1] if _np.all(f < max_slices_per_axis[ridx]): ret_array[ridx] = f else: for i in range(ridx[0].shape[0]): if f[i] < max_slices_per_axis[ridx[0][i]]: ret_array[ridx[0][i]] = f[i] else: ret_array[ridx[0][i]] = max_slices_per_axis[ridx[0][i]] prd = _np.product(ret_array[_np.where(ret_array > 0)]) while (num_slices % prd) > 0: ret_array[ridx[0][i]] -= 1 prd = _np.product(ret_array[_np.where(ret_array > 0)]) break logger.debug("ridx=%s, f=%s, ret_array=%s", ridx, f, ret_array) return ret_array
_array_shape_param_doc =\ """ :type array_shape: sequence of :obj:`int` :param array_shape: The shape to be *split*. """ _array_start_param_doc =\ """ :type array_start: :samp:`None` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param array_start: The start index. Defaults to :samp:`[0,]*len(array_shape)`. The array indexing extents are assumed to range from :samp:`{array_start}` to :samp:`{array_start} + {array_shape}`. See :ref:`the-array_start-parameter-examples` examples. """ _array_itemsize_param_doc =\ """ :type array_itemsize: int or sequence of :obj:`int` :param array_itemsize: Number of bytes per array element. Only relevant when :samp:`{max_tile_bytes}` is specified. See :ref:`splitting-by-maximum-bytes-per-tile-examples` examples. """ _array_tile_bounds_policy_param_doc =\ """ :type tile_bounds_policy: :obj:`str` :param tile_bounds_policy: Specifies whether tiles can extend beyond the array boundaries. Only relevant for halo values greater than one. If :samp:`{tile_bounds_policy}` is :data:`ARRAY_BOUNDS` then the calculated tiles will not extend beyond the array extents :samp:`{array_start}` and :samp:`{array_start} + {array_shape}`. If :samp:`{tile_bounds_policy}` is :data:`NO_BOUNDS` then the returned tiles will extend beyond the :samp:`{array_start}` and :samp:`{array_start} + {array_shape}` extend for positive :samp:`{halo}` values. See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. """ _ShapeSplitter__init__params_doc =\ """ :type indices_or_sections: :samp:`None`, :obj:`int` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param indices_or_sections: If an integer, indicates the number of elements in the calculated *split* array. If a sequence, indicates the indicies (per axis) at which the splits occur. See :ref:`splitting-by-number-of-tiles-examples` examples. :type axis: :samp:`None`, :obj:`int` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param axis: If an integer, indicates the axis which is to be split. If a sequence integers, indicates the number of slices per axis, i.e. if :samp:`{axis} = [3, 5]` then axis :samp:`0` is cut into 3 slices and axis :samp:`1` is cut into 5 slices for a total of 15 (:samp:`3*5`) rectangular slices in the returned :samp:`(3, 5)` shaped split. See :ref:`splitting-by-number-of-tiles-examples` examples and :ref:`splitting-by-per-axis-split-indices-examples` examples. %s%s :type tile_shape: :samp:`None` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param tile_shape: When not :samp:`None`, specifies explicit shape for tiles. Should be same length as :samp:`{array_shape}`. See :ref:`splitting-by-tile-shape-examples` examples. :type max_tile_bytes: :samp:`None` or :obj:`int` :param max_tile_bytes: The maximum number of bytes for calculated :samp:`tile_shape`. See :ref:`splitting-by-maximum-bytes-per-tile-examples` examples. :type max_tile_shape: :samp:`None` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param max_tile_shape: Per axis maximum shapes for the calculated :samp:`tile_shape`. Only relevant when :samp:`{max_tile_bytes}` is specified. Should be same length as :samp:`{array_shape}`. See :ref:`splitting-by-maximum-bytes-per-tile-examples` examples. :type sub_tile_shape: :samp:`None` or sequence of :obj:`int` :param sub_tile_shape: When not :samp:`None`, the calculated :samp:`tile_shape` will be an even multiple of this sub-tile shape. Only relevant when :samp:`{max_tile_bytes}` is specified. Should be same length as :samp:`{array_shape}`. See :ref:`splitting-by-maximum-bytes-per-tile-examples` examples.%s%s """ _halo_param_doc =\ """ :type halo: :samp:`None`, :obj:`int`, sequence of :obj:`int`, or :samp:`(len({array_shape}), 2)` shaped :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :param halo: How tiles are extended per axis in -ve and +ve directions with *halo* elements. See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. """ #: Indicates that tiles are always within the array bounds. #: See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. __ARRAY_BOUNDS = "array_bounds" @property def ARRAY_BOUNDS(): """ Indicates that tiles are always within the array bounds, resulting in tiles which have truncated halos. See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. """ return __ARRAY_BOUNDS #: Indicates that tiles may extend beyond the array bounds. #: See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. __NO_BOUNDS = "no_bounds" @property def NO_BOUNDS(): """ Indicates that tiles may have halos which extend beyond the array bounds. See :ref:`the-halo-parameter-examples` examples. """ return __NO_BOUNDS
[docs]class ShapeSplitter(object): """ Implements array shape splitting. There are three main (top-level) methods: :meth:`__init__` Initialisation of parameters which define the split. :meth:`set_split_extents` Calculates the per-axis indices for the cuts. Sets the :attr:`split_shape`, :attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends` attributes. :meth:`calculate_split` Calls :meth:`set_split_extents` followed by :meth:`calculate_split_from_extents` to return the :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`tuple` elements (slices). """ #: Class attribute for :obj:`logging.Logger` logging. logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".ShapeSplitter") #: Class attribute indicating list of valid values for :attr:`tile_bound_policy`. #: See :data:`ARRAY_BOUNDS` and :data:`NO_BOUNDS`. valid_tile_bounds_policies = [ARRAY_BOUNDS, NO_BOUNDS]
[docs] def __init__( self, array_shape, indices_or_sections=None, axis=None, array_start=None, array_itemsize=1, tile_shape=None, max_tile_bytes=None, max_tile_shape=None, sub_tile_shape=None, halo=None, tile_bounds_policy=ARRAY_BOUNDS ): self.array_shape = _np.array(array_shape) if array_start is None: array_start = _np.zeros_like(self.array_shape) self.array_start = array_start self.array_itemsize = array_itemsize indices_per_axis = None if is_indices(indices_or_sections): num_subarrays = None indices_per_axis = indices_or_sections if ( ((axis is None) or is_scalar(axis)) and (not _np.any([is_sequence(_e) for _e in indices_or_sections])) ): if axis is None: axis = 0 # Make indices_per_axis a list of lists, so that # element 0 is a list of indices for axis 0 indices_per_axis = [None, ] * len(array_shape) indices_per_axis[axis] = indices_or_sections else: indices_per_axis = None num_subarrays = indices_or_sections self.indices_per_axis = indices_per_axis self.split_size = num_subarrays split_num_slices_per_axis = None if (self.split_size is not None) or (axis is not None): if axis is None: axis = 0 if is_sequence(axis): split_num_slices_per_axis = pad_with_object(axis, len(self.array_shape), 1) elif self.split_size is not None: split_num_slices_per_axis = pad_with_object([], len(self.array_shape), 1) split_num_slices_per_axis[axis] = self.split_size self.split_num_slices_per_axis = split_num_slices_per_axis self.tile_shape = tile_shape self.max_tile_bytes = max_tile_bytes self.max_tile_shape = max_tile_shape self.sub_tile_shape = sub_tile_shape if halo is None: halo = _np.zeros((len(self.array_shape), 2), dtype="int64") elif is_scalar(halo): halo = _np.zeros((len(self.array_shape), 2), dtype="int64") + halo elif (len(array_shape) == 1) and (_np.array(halo).shape == (2,)): halo = _np.array([halo, ], copy=True) elif len(_np.array(halo).shape) == 1: halo = _np.array([halo, halo]).T.copy() else: halo = _np.array(halo, copy=True) self.halo = halo if tile_bounds_policy is None: tile_bounds_policy = ARRAY_BOUNDS self.tile_bounds_policy = tile_bounds_policy self.tile_beg_min = self.array_start self.tile_end_max = self.array_start + self.array_shape self.split_shape = None self.split_begs = None self.split_ends = None
@property def array_shape(self): """ The shape of the array which is to be split. A sequence of :obj:`int` indicating the per-axis sizes which are to be split. """ return self.__array_shape @array_shape.setter def array_shape(self, array_shape): self.__array_shape = array_shape @property def array_start(self): """ The start index. A sequence of :obj:`int` indicating the start of indexing for the tile slices. Defaults to :samp:`numpy.zeros_like({self}.array_shape)`. """ return self.__array_start @array_start.setter def array_start(self, array_start): self.__array_start = array_start @property def array_itemsize(self): """ The number of bytes per array element, see :attr:`max_tile_bytes`. """ return self.__array_itemsize @array_itemsize.setter def array_itemsize(self, array_itemsize): self.__array_itemsize = array_itemsize @property def indices_per_axis(self): """ The per-axis indices indicating the cuts for the split. A :obj:`list` of 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray` objects such that :samp:`{self}.indices_per_axis[i]` indicates the cut positions for axis :samp:`i`. """ return self.__indices_per_axis @indices_per_axis.setter def indices_per_axis(self, indices_per_axis): self.__indices_per_axis = indices_per_axis @property def split_size(self): """ An :obj:`int` indicating the number of tiles in the calculated split. """ return self.__split_size @split_size.setter def split_size(self, split_size): self.__split_size = split_size @property def split_num_slices_per_axis(self): """ Number of slices per axis. A 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`int` indicating the number of slices (sections) per axis, so that :samp:`{self}.split_num_slices_per_axis[i]` is an integer indicating the number of sections along axis :samp:`i` in the calculated split. """ return self.__split_num_slices_per_axis @split_num_slices_per_axis.setter def split_num_slices_per_axis(self, split_num_slices_per_axis): self.__split_num_slices_per_axis = split_num_slices_per_axis @property def tile_shape(self): """ The shape of all tiles in the calculated split. A 1D :samp:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`int` indicating the per-axis number of elements for tiles in the calculated split. """ return self.__tile_shape @tile_shape.setter def tile_shape(self, tile_shape): self.__tile_shape = tile_shape @property def max_tile_bytes(self): """ The maximum number of bytes for any tile (including :attr:`halo`) in the returned split. An :obj:`int` which constrains the tile shape such that any tile from the computed split is no bigger than :samp:`{max_tile_bytes}`. """ return self.__max_tile_bytes @max_tile_bytes.setter def max_tile_bytes(self, max_tile_bytes): self.__max_tile_bytes = max_tile_bytes @property def max_tile_shape(self): """ Per-axis maximum sizes for calculated tiles. A 1D :samp:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`int` indicating the per-axis maximum number of elements for tiles in the calculated split. """ return self.__max_tile_shape @max_tile_shape.setter def max_tile_shape(self, max_tile_shape): self.__max_tile_shape = max_tile_shape @property def sub_tile_shape(self): """ Calculated tile shape will be an integer multiple of this sub-tile shape. i.e. :samp:`(self.tile_shape[i] % self.sub_tile_shape[i]) == 0`, for :samp:`i in range(0, len(self.tile_shape))`. A 1D :samp:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`int` indicating sub-tile shape. """ return self.__sub_tile_shape @sub_tile_shape.setter def sub_tile_shape(self, sub_tile_shape): self.__sub_tile_shape = sub_tile_shape @property def halo(self): """ Per-axis -ve and +ve halo sizes for extending tiles to overlap with neighbouring tiles. A :samp:`(N, 2)` shaped array indicating the """ return self.__halo @halo.setter def halo(self, halo): self.__halo = halo @property def tile_bounds_policy(self): """ A string indicating whether tile halo extents can extend beyond the array domain. Valid values are indicated by :attr:`valid_tile_bounds_policies`. """ return self.__tile_bounds_policy @tile_bounds_policy.setter def tile_bounds_policy(self, tile_bounds_policy): self.__tile_bounds_policy = tile_bounds_policy @property def tile_beg_min(self): """ The per-axis minimum index for :attr:`slice.start`. The per-axis lower bound for tile start indices. A 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. """ return self.__tile_beg_min @tile_beg_min.setter def tile_beg_min(self, tile_beg_min): self.__tile_beg_min = tile_beg_min @property def tile_end_max(self): """ The per-axis maximum index for :attr:`slice.stop`. The per-axis upper bound for tile stop indices. A 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. """ return self.__tile_end_max @tile_end_max.setter def tile_end_max(self, tile_end_max): self.__tile_end_max = tile_end_max @property def split_shape(self): """ The shape of the calculated split array. Indicates the per-axis number of sections in the calculated split. A 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. """ return self.__split_shape @split_shape.setter def split_shape(self, split_shape): self.__split_shape = split_shape @property def split_begs(self): """ The list of per-axis start indices for :obj:`slice` objects. A :obj:`list` of 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray` objects indicating the :attr:`slice.start` index for for tiles. """ return self.__split_begs @split_begs.setter def split_begs(self, split_begs): self.__split_begs = split_begs @property def split_ends(self): """ The list of per-axis stop indices for :obj:`slice` objects. A :obj:`list` of 1D :obj:`numpy.ndarray` objects indicating the :attr:`slice.stop` index for for tiles. """ return self.__split_ends @split_ends.setter def split_ends(self, split_ends): self.__split_ends = split_ends
[docs] def check_halo(self): """ Raises :obj:`ValueError` if there is an inconsistency between shapes of :attr:`array_shape` and :attr:`halo`. """ if ( (len(self.halo.shape) != 2) or (self.halo.shape[0] != len(self.array_shape)) or (self.halo.shape[1] != 2) ): raise ValueError( "Got halo.shape=%s, expecting halo.shape=(%s, 2)" % (self.halo.shape, self.array_shape.shape[0]) )
[docs] def check_tile_bounds_policy(self): """ Raises :obj:`ValueError` if :attr:`tile_bounds_policy` is not in :samp:`[{self}.ARRAY_BOUNDS, {self}.NO_BOUNDS]`. """ if not (self.tile_bounds_policy in self.valid_tile_bounds_policies): raise ValueError( "Got self.tile_bounds_policy=%s, which is not in %s." % (self.tile_bounds_policy, self.valid_tile_bounds_policies) )
[docs] def check_consistent_parameter_dimensions(self): """ Ensure that all parameter dimensions are consistent with the :attr:`array_shape` dimension. :raises ValueError: For inconsistent parameter dimensions. """ if self.indices_per_axis is not None: if len(self.indices_per_axis) > len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got len(self.indices_per_axis)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s, should be equal." % (len(self.indices_per_axis), len(self.array_shape)) ) if self.split_num_slices_per_axis is not None: if len(self.split_num_slices_per_axis) > len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( ( "Got len(self.split_num_slices_per_axis)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s," + " should be equal." ) % (len(self.split_num_slices_per_axis), len(self.array_shape)) ) if self.tile_shape is not None: if len(self.tile_shape) != len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got len(self.tile_shape)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s, should be equal." % (len(self.tile_shape), len(self.array_shape)) ) if self.sub_tile_shape is not None: if len(self.sub_tile_shape) != len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got len(self.sub_tile_shape)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s, should be equal." % (len(self.sub_tile_shape), len(self.array_shape)) ) if self.max_tile_shape is not None: if len(self.max_tile_shape) != len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got len(self.max_tile_shape)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s, should be equal." % (len(self.max_tile_shape), len(self.array_shape)) ) if self.array_start is not None: if len(self.array_start) != len(self.array_shape): raise ValueError( "Got len(self.array_start)=%s > len(self.array_shape)=%s, should be equal." % (len(self.array_start), len(self.array_shape)) )
[docs] def check_consistent_parameter_grouping(self): """ Ensures this object does not have conflicting groups of parameters. :raises ValueError: For conflicting or absent parameters. """ parameter_groups = {} if self.indices_per_axis is not None: parameter_groups["indices_per_axis"] = \ {"self.indices_per_axis": self.indices_per_axis} if (self.split_size is not None) or (self.split_num_slices_per_axis is not None): parameter_groups["split_size"] = \ { "self.split_size": self.split_size, "self.split_num_slices_per_axis": self.split_num_slices_per_axis, } if self.tile_shape is not None: parameter_groups["tile_shape"] = \ {"self.tile_shape": self.tile_shape} if self.max_tile_bytes is not None: parameter_groups["max_tile_bytes"] = \ {"self.max_tile_bytes": self.max_tile_bytes} if self.max_tile_shape is not None: if "max_tile_bytes" not in parameter_groups.keys(): parameter_groups["max_tile_bytes"] = {} parameter_groups["max_tile_bytes"]["self.max_tile_shape"] = self.max_tile_shape if self.sub_tile_shape is not None: if "max_tile_bytes" not in parameter_groups.keys(): parameter_groups["max_tile_bytes"] = {} parameter_groups["max_tile_bytes"]["self.sub_tile_shape"] = self.sub_tile_shape if (len(parameter_groups.keys()) > 1): group_keys = sorted(parameter_groups.keys()) raise ValueError( "Got conflicting parameter groups specified, " + "should only specify one group to define the split:\n" + ( "\n".join( [ ( ("Group %18s: " % ("'%s'" % group_key)) + str(parameter_groups[group_key]) ) for group_key in group_keys ] ) ) ) if (len(parameter_groups.keys()) <= 0): raise ValueError( "No split parameters specified, need parameters from one of the groups: " + "'indices_per_axis', 'split_size', 'tile_shape' or 'max_tile_bytes'" )
[docs] def check_split_parameters(self): """ Ensures this object has a state consistent with evaluating a split. :raises ValueError: For conflicting or absent parameters. """ self.check_halo() self.check_tile_bounds_policy() self.check_consistent_parameter_dimensions() self.check_consistent_parameter_grouping()
[docs] def update_tile_extent_bounds(self): """ Updates the :attr:`tile_beg_min` and :attr:`tile_end_max` data members according to :attr:`tile_bounds_policy`. """ if self.tile_bounds_policy == NO_BOUNDS: self.tile_beg_min = self.array_start - self.halo[:, 0] self.tile_end_max = self.array_start + self.array_shape + self.halo[:, 1] elif self.tile_bounds_policy == ARRAY_BOUNDS: self.tile_beg_min = self.array_start self.tile_end_max = self.array_start + self.array_shape
[docs] def set_split_extents_by_indices_per_axis(self): """ Sets split shape :attr:`split_shape` and split extents (:attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`) from values in :attr:`indices_per_axis`. """ if self.indices_per_axis is None: raise ValueError("Got None for self.indices_per_axis") self.logger.debug("self.array_shape=%s", self.array_shape) self.logger.debug("self.indices_per_axis=%s", self.indices_per_axis) self.indices_per_axis = \ pad_with_none(self.indices_per_axis, len(self.array_shape)) # Define the start and stop indices (extents) for each axis slice self.split_shape = _np.ones(len(self.array_shape), dtype="int64") self.split_begs = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) self.split_ends = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) for i in range(len(self.indices_per_axis)): indices = self.indices_per_axis[i] if (indices is not None) and (len(indices) > 0): self.split_shape[i] = len(indices) + 1 self.split_begs[i] = _np.zeros((len(indices) + 1,), dtype="int64") self.split_begs[i][1:] = indices self.split_ends[i] = _np.zeros((len(self.split_begs[i]),), dtype="int64") self.split_ends[i][0:-1] = self.split_begs[i][1:] self.split_ends[i][-1] = self.array_shape[i] else: # start and stop is the full width of the axis self.split_begs[i] = [0, ] self.split_ends[i] = [self.array_shape[i], ] self.logger.debug("self.indices_per_axis=%s", self.indices_per_axis)
[docs] def calculate_split_from_extents(self): """ Returns split calculated using extents obtained from :attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ where each element is a :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` objects. """ self.logger.debug("self.split_shape=%s", self.split_shape) self.logger.debug("self.split_begs=%s", self.split_begs) self.logger.debug("self.split_ends=%s", self.split_ends) ret = \ _np.array( [ tuple( [ slice( max([ self.split_begs[d][idx[d]] + self.array_start[d] - self.halo[d, 0], self.tile_beg_min[d] ]), min([ self.split_ends[d][idx[d]] + self.array_start[d] + self.halo[d, 1], self.tile_end_max[d] ]) ) for d in range(len(self.split_shape)) ] ) for idx in _np.array( _np.unravel_index( _np.arange(0, _np.product(self.split_shape)), self.split_shape ) ).T ], dtype=[("%d" % d, "object") for d in range(len(self.split_shape))] ).reshape(self.split_shape) return ret
[docs] def calculate_split_by_indices_per_axis(self): """ Returns split calculated using extents obtained from :attr:`indices_per_axis`. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ where each element is a :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` objects. """ self.set_split_extents_by_indices_per_axis() return self.calculate_split_from_extents()
[docs] def calculate_axis_split_extents(self, num_sections, size): """ Divides :samp:`range(0, {size})` into (approximately) equal sized intervals. Returns :samp:`(begs, ends)` where :samp:`slice(begs[i], ends[i])` define the intervals for :samp:`i in range(0, {num_sections})`. :type num_sections: :obj:`int` :param num_sections: Divide :samp:`range(0, {size})` into this many intervals (approximately) equal sized intervals. :type size: :obj:`int` :param size: Range for the subdivision. :rtype: :obj:`tuple` :return: Two element tuple :samp:`(begs, ends)` such that :samp:`slice(begs[i], ends[i])` define the intervals for :samp:`i in range(0, {num_sections})`. """ section_size = size // num_sections if section_size >= 1: begs = _np.arange(0, section_size * num_sections, section_size) rem = size - section_size * num_sections if rem > 0: for i in range(rem): begs[i + 1:] += 1 ends = _np.zeros_like(begs) ends[0:-1] = begs[1:] ends[-1] = size else: begs = _np.arange(0, num_sections) begs[size:] = size ends = begs.copy() ends[0:-1] = begs[1:] return begs, ends
[docs] def set_split_extents_by_split_size(self): """ Sets split shape :attr:`split_shape` and split extents (:attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`) from values in :attr:`split_size` and :attr:`split_num_slices_per_axis`. """ if self.split_size is None: if ( _np.all([s is not None for s in self.split_num_slices_per_axis]) and _np.all([s > 0 for s in self.split_num_slices_per_axis]) ): self.split_size = _np.product(self.split_num_slices_per_axis) else: raise ValueError( ( "Got invalid self.split_num_slices_per_axis=%s, all elements " + "need to be integers greater than zero when self.split_size is None." ) % self.split_num_slices_per_axis ) self.logger.debug( "Pre cannonicalise: self.split_num_slices_per_axis=%s", self.split_num_slices_per_axis) self.split_num_slices_per_axis = \ calculate_num_slices_per_axis( self.split_num_slices_per_axis, self.split_size, self.array_shape ) self.logger.debug( "Post cannonicalise: self.split_num_slices_per_axis=%s", self.split_num_slices_per_axis) # Define the start and stop indices (extents) for each axis slice self.split_shape = self.split_num_slices_per_axis.copy() self.split_begs = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) self.split_ends = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) for i in range(len(self.array_shape)): self.split_begs[i], self.split_ends[i] = \ self.calculate_axis_split_extents( self.split_shape[i], self.array_shape[i] )
[docs] def calculate_split_by_split_size(self): """ Returns split calculated using extents obtained from :attr:`split_size` and :attr:`split_num_slices_per_axis`. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ where each element is a :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` objects. """ self.set_split_extents_by_split_size() return self.calculate_split_from_extents()
[docs] def set_split_extents_by_tile_shape(self): """ Sets split shape :attr:`split_shape` and split extents (:attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`) from value of :attr:`tile_shape`. """ self.split_shape = ((self.array_shape - 1) // self.tile_shape) + 1 self.split_begs = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) self.split_ends = [[], ] * len(self.array_shape) for i in range(len(self.array_shape)): self.split_begs[i] = _np.arange(0, self.array_shape[i], self.tile_shape[i]) self.split_ends[i] = _np.zeros_like(self.split_begs[i]) self.split_ends[i][0:-1] = self.split_begs[i][1:] self.split_ends[i][-1] = self.array_shape[i]
[docs] def calculate_split_by_tile_shape(self): """ Returns split calculated using extents obtained from :attr:`tile_shape`. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ where each element is a :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` objects. """ self.set_split_extents_by_tile_shape() return self.calculate_split_from_extents()
[docs] def set_split_extents_by_tile_max_bytes(self): """ Sets split extents (:attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`) calculated using from :attr:`max_tile_bytes` (and :attr:`max_tile_shape`, :attr:`sub_tile_shape`, :attr:`halo`). """ self.tile_shape = \ calculate_tile_shape_for_max_bytes( array_shape=self.array_shape, array_itemsize=self.array_itemsize, max_tile_bytes=self.max_tile_bytes, max_tile_shape=self.max_tile_shape, sub_tile_shape=self.sub_tile_shape, halo=self.halo ) self.set_split_extents_by_tile_shape()
[docs] def calculate_split_by_tile_max_bytes(self): """ Returns split calculated using extents obtained from :attr:`max_tile_bytes` (and :attr:`max_tile_shape`, :attr:`sub_tile_shape`, :attr:`halo`). :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ where each element is a :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` objects. """ self.set_split_extents_by_tile_max_bytes() return self.calculate_split_from_extents()
[docs] def set_split_extents(self): """ Sets split extents (:attr:`split_begs` and :attr:`split_ends`) calculated using selected attributes set from :meth:`__init__`. """ self.check_split_parameters() self.update_tile_extent_bounds() if self.indices_per_axis is not None: self.set_split_extents_by_indices_per_axis() elif (self.split_size is not None) or (self.split_num_slices_per_axis is not None): self.set_split_extents_by_split_size() elif self.tile_shape is not None: self.set_split_extents_by_tile_shape() elif self.max_tile_bytes is not None: self.set_split_extents_by_tile_max_bytes()
[docs] def calculate_split(self): """ Computes the split. :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: A :mod:`numpy` `structured array <>`_ of dimension :samp:`len({self}.array_shape)`. Each element of the returned array is a :obj:`tuple` containing :samp:`len({self}.array_shape)` elements, with each element being a :obj:`slice` object. Each :obj:`tuple` defines a slice within the bounds :samp:`{self}.array_start - {self}.halo[:, 0]` to :samp:`{self}.array_start + {self}.array_shape + {self}.halo[:, 1]`. """ self.set_split_extents() return self.calculate_split_from_extents()
ShapeSplitter([0, ]).__init__.__func__.__doc__ = \ """ Initialises parameters which define a split. %s %s .. seealso:: :ref:`array_split-examples` """ % ( _array_shape_param_doc, ( _ShapeSplitter__init__params_doc % ( _array_start_param_doc, "\n" + _array_itemsize_param_doc, _halo_param_doc, _array_tile_bounds_policy_param_doc, ) ) )
[docs]def shape_split(array_shape, *args, **kwargs): return \ ShapeSplitter( array_shape, *args, **kwargs ).calculate_split()
shape_split.__doc__ =\ """ Splits specified :samp:`{array_shape}` in tiles, returns array of :obj:`slice` tuples. %s %s :rtype: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :return: Array of :obj:`tuple` objects. Each :obj:`tuple` element is a :obj:`slice` object so that each :obj:`tuple` defines a multi-dimensional slice of an array of shape :samp:`{array_shape}`. .. seealso:: :func:`array_split.array_split`, :meth:`array_split.ShapeSplitter`, :ref:`array_split-examples` """ % ( _array_shape_param_doc, ( _ShapeSplitter__init__params_doc % ( _array_start_param_doc, "\n" + _array_itemsize_param_doc, _halo_param_doc, _array_tile_bounds_policy_param_doc, ) ) )
[docs]def array_split( ary, indices_or_sections=None, axis=None, tile_shape=None, max_tile_bytes=None, max_tile_shape=None, sub_tile_shape=None, halo=None ): return [ ary[slyce] for slyce in shape_split( array_shape=ary.shape, indices_or_sections=indices_or_sections, axis=axis, array_start=None, array_itemsize=ary.itemsize, tile_shape=tile_shape, max_tile_bytes=max_tile_bytes, max_tile_shape=max_tile_shape, sub_tile_shape=sub_tile_shape, halo=halo, tile_bounds_policy=ARRAY_BOUNDS ).flatten() ]
array_split.__doc__ =\ """ Splits the specified array :samp:`{ary}` into sub-arrays, returns list of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. :type ary: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` :param ary: Array which is split into sub-arrays. %s :rtype: :obj:`list` :return: List of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` elements, where each element is a *slice* from :samp:`{ary}` (potentially an empty slice). .. seealso:: :func:`array_split.shape_split`, :meth:`array_split.ShapeSplitter`, :ref:`array_split-examples` """ % ( _ShapeSplitter__init__params_doc % ( "", "", _halo_param_doc.replace("len({array_shape})", "len({ary}.shape)"), "" ) ) __all__ = [s for s in dir() if not s.startswith('_')]