
class array_split.split.ShapeSplitter(array_shape, indices_or_sections=None, axis=None, array_start=None, array_itemsize=1, tile_shape=None, max_tile_bytes=None, max_tile_shape=None, sub_tile_shape=None, halo=None, tile_bounds_policy=<property object>)[source]

Implements array shape splitting. There are three main (top-level) methods:

Initialisation of parameters which define the split.
Calculates the per-axis indices for the cuts. Sets the split_shape, split_begs and split_ends attributes.
Calls set_split_extents() followed by calculate_split_from_extents() to return the numpy.ndarray of tuple elements (slices).


__init__(array_shape[, indices_or_sections, ...]) Initialises parameters which define a split.
calculate_axis_split_extents(num_sections, size) Divides range(0, size) into (approximately) equal sized intervals.
calculate_split() Computes the split.
calculate_split_by_indices_per_axis() Returns split calculated using extents obtained from indices_per_axis.
calculate_split_by_split_size() Returns split calculated using extents obtained from split_size and split_num_slices_per_axis.
calculate_split_by_tile_max_bytes() Returns split calculated using extents obtained from max_tile_bytes (and max_tile_shape, sub_tile_shape, halo).
calculate_split_by_tile_shape() Returns split calculated using extents obtained from tile_shape.
calculate_split_from_extents() Returns split calculated using extents obtained from split_begs and split_ends.
check_consistent_parameter_dimensions() Ensure that all parameter dimensions are consistent with the array_shape dimension.
check_consistent_parameter_grouping() Ensures this object does not have conflicting groups of parameters.
check_halo() Raises ValueError if there is an inconsistency between shapes of array_shape and halo.
check_split_parameters() Ensures this object has a state consistent with evaluating a split.
check_tile_bounds_policy() Raises ValueError if tile_bounds_policy is not in [self.ARRAY_BOUNDS, self.NO_BOUNDS].
set_split_extents() Sets split extents (split_begs and split_ends) calculated using selected attributes set from __init__().
set_split_extents_by_indices_per_axis() Sets split shape split_shape and split extents (split_begs and split_ends) from values in indices_per_axis.
set_split_extents_by_split_size() Sets split shape split_shape and split extents (split_begs and split_ends) from values in split_size and split_num_slices_per_axis.
set_split_extents_by_tile_max_bytes() Sets split extents (split_begs and split_ends) calculated using from max_tile_bytes (and max_tile_shape, sub_tile_shape, halo).
set_split_extents_by_tile_shape() Sets split shape split_shape and split extents (split_begs and split_ends) from value of tile_shape.
update_tile_extent_bounds() Updates the tile_beg_min and tile_end_max data members according to tile_bounds_policy.


array_itemsize The number of bytes per array element, see max_tile_bytes.
array_shape The shape of the array which is to be split.
array_start The start index.
halo Per-axis -ve and +ve halo sizes for extending tiles to overlap with neighbouring tiles.
indices_per_axis The per-axis indices indicating the cuts for the split.
logger Class attribute for logging.Logger logging.
max_tile_bytes The maximum number of bytes for any tile (including halo) in the returned split.
max_tile_shape Per-axis maximum sizes for calculated tiles.
split_begs The list of per-axis start indices for slice objects.
split_ends The list of per-axis stop indices for slice objects.
split_num_slices_per_axis Number of slices per axis.
split_shape The shape of the calculated split array.
split_size An int indicating the number of tiles in the calculated split.
sub_tile_shape Calculated tile shape will be an integer multiple of this sub-tile shape.
tile_beg_min The per-axis minimum index for slice.start.
tile_bounds_policy A string indicating whether tile halo extents can extend beyond the array domain.
tile_end_max The per-axis maximum index for slice.stop.
tile_shape The shape of all tiles in the calculated split.
valid_tile_bounds_policies Class attribute indicating list of valid values for tile_bound_policy.