Source code for array_split.tests

The :mod:`array_split.tests` Module

Module for running all :mod:`array_split` unit-tests, including :mod:`unittest` test-cases
and :mod:`doctest` tests for module doc-strings and sphinx (RST) documentation.
Execute as::

   python -m array_split.tests

.. currentmodule:: array_split.tests

Classes and Functions

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

   MultiPlatformAnd23Checker - Customised doctest output checking.
   DocTestTestSuite - Loads all module and file doctests as single :mod:`unittest` suite.
   load_tests - Returns suite of :mod:`doctest` and :mod:`unittest` tests.

# pylint: disable=unused-import
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys as _sys
import re as _re
import unittest as _unittest
import doctest as _doctest
import os.path
import array_split as _array_split
from array_split import split as _split

from .license import license as _license, copyright as _copyright, version as _version
from .split_test import SplitTest  # noqa: F401,F403

__author__ = "Shane J. Latham"
__license__ = _license()
__copyright__ = _copyright()
__version__ = _version()

_doctest_OuputChecker = _doctest.OutputChecker

[docs]class MultiPlatformAnd23Checker(_doctest_OuputChecker): """ Overrides the :meth:`doctest.OutputChecker.check_output` method to remove the :samp:`'L'` from integer literals """
[docs] def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags): """ For python-2 replaces "124L" with "124". For python 2 and 3, replaces :samp:`", dtype=int64)"` with :samp:`")"`. See :meth:`doctest.OutputChecker.check_output`. """ if _sys.version_info[0] <= 2: got = _re.sub("([0-9]+)L", "\\1", got) got = _re.sub(", dtype=int64\\)", ")", got) return _doctest_OuputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags)
_doctest.OutputChecker = MultiPlatformAnd23Checker
[docs]class DocTestTestSuite(_unittest.TestSuite): """ Adds :mod:`array_split` doctests as `unittest.TestCase` objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Uses :meth:`unittest.TestSuite.addTests` to add :obj:`doctest.DocFileSuite` and :obj:`doctest.DocTestSuite` tests. """ readme_file_name = \ os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "README.rst") ) examples_rst_file_name = \ os.path.realpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "docs", "source", "examples", "index.rst" ) ) suite = _unittest.TestSuite() if os.path.exists(readme_file_name): suite.addTests( _doctest.DocFileSuite( readme_file_name, module_relative=False, optionflags=_doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ) ) if os.path.exists(examples_rst_file_name): suite.addTests( _doctest.DocFileSuite( examples_rst_file_name, module_relative=False, optionflags=_doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ) ) suite.addTests( _doctest.DocTestSuite( _array_split, optionflags=_doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ) ) suite.addTests( _doctest.DocTestSuite( _split, optionflags=_doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ) ) _unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, suite)
[docs]def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Loads :mod:`array_split.split_test` tests and :obj:`DocTestTestSuite` tests. """ suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(["array_split.split_test", ]) suite.addTests(DocTestTestSuite()) return suite
__all__ = [s for s in dir() if not s.startswith('_')] if __name__ == "__main__": _unittest.main()