Source code for array_split.license

To be replaced.
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from __future__ import absolute_import
import pkg_resources as _pkg_resources

__copyright__ = _pkg_resources.resource_string("array_split", "copyright.txt").decode()
__license__ = (
    _pkg_resources.resource_string("array_split", "license.txt").decode()
__author__ = "Shane J. Latham"
__version__ = _pkg_resources.resource_string("array_split", "version.txt").decode().strip()

[docs]def version(): """ Returns :mod:`array_split` version string. :rtype: :obj:`str` :return: Version string. """ return __version__
[docs]def license(): """ Returns the :mod:`array_split` license string. :rtype: :obj:`str` :return: License string. """ return __license__
__doc__ = \ """ ===================================== The :mod:`array_split.license` Module ===================================== License and copyright info. .. currentmodule:: array_split.license License ======= %s Copyright ========= %s Functions ========= .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ license - Returns :mod:`array_split` license string. copyright - Returns :mod:`array_split` copyright string. version - Returns :mod:`array_split` version string. """ % (license(), copyright()) __all__ = [s for s in dir() if not s.startswith('_')]